1, 2 domain Nachtegaal painted from de ground and personal photo. Charcoal drawing painting with acryl on paper 50 cm / 70 cm. October 2015.
5 Patchwork colza painted from de ground and personal photo. Charcoal drawing painting with acryl on paper 100 cm / 140 cm. May 2017.
6 Colza painted from de ground and personal photo. Charcoal drawing painting with oil on canvas 60 cm / 80 cm. June 2017.
8 Bois De Panne pencil charcoal and acryl on panel 9 x 29 cm / 21 cm - 100 cm / 70 cm. April 2019.
9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Bois De Panne acryl on paper 60 cm / 50 cm. June 2019.
14 Tourisme office pencil on paper 29 cm / 42 cm. June 2019.
15 Bois De Panne pencil charcoal and acryl on panel 120 cm / 150 cm. June 2019.