Abbey Koksijde
1 Abbey Koksijde painted from de ground. Charcoal drawing painting with acryl on canvas 50 cm / 70 cm.
4 Abbey Koksijde painted from de ground and personal photo. Charcoal drawing painting with acryl on canvas 50 cm / 70 cm.
5 Abbey Koksijde painted from de ground and personal photo. Charcoal drawing painting with acryl on paper 50 cm / 70 cm. October 2015.
6 Abbey Koksijde painted from de ground and personal photo. Charcoal drawing painting with acryl on paper 50 cm / 70 cm. March 2016.
7 Abbey Koksijde painted from de ground and personal photo. Charcoal drawing painting with acryl on canvas 50 cm / 70 cm.
8 Abbey Koksijde painted from de ground and personal photo. Charcoal drawing painting with acryl on canvas 50 cm / 70 cm.
9 Abbey Koksijde painted from de ground and personal photo. Charcoal drawing painting with acryl on canvas 50 cm / 70 cm.
10 Abbey Koksijde painted from de ground and personal photo. Charcoal drawing painting with acryl on canvas 50 cm / 70 cm.
11 Abbey Koksijde patchwork 100 / 140 cm. August, september, october 2016.
12 Abbey Koksijde painted from de ground and personal photo. Charcoal drawing painting with acryl on paper 70 cm / 100 cm. December 2017.